Course of the Search and Rescue Operations in Areas of Difficult Access - Brazil
Course Objective:
Prepare graduates with practical expertise to join a team that has as its primary mission operations Urban Search and Rescue.
Course Period: 14,15 and 16 December 2012.
Local training: training center ECT RESCUE Jacumã-Paraíba
Syllabus Course Search and Rescue Area Difficult Access
One. Workplace Safety
2nd. Vertical rescue
3rd. Confined Space Rescue - REC
4th. Rescue Trenches
5th. Rescue with KED, Prochas Long and Tripe and other
6th. Management crisis in collapsed structures
7th. Management Area with multiple victims in rescue
Eight. Search and Rescue in collapsed structures
Hours: 30 hours / class (10% theoretical and practical 90%)
Investment: $ 400.00 reais per student
Law Student: 1 book, 2 masks pff type 2, 1 shirt with long sleeves logomarcadas course, and lunch on Sunday and from 18:00 to 23:30 hours.
Requirements: * Being larger is 18 years old, physically fit and mentally.
* To have your resume in the course First Aid and Rescue in height or equivalent (check the Proclamation of course).
Target Audience: rescuer, rescuer, brigadista, Firefighter Civil and everyone who works with Urban Search and Rescue.
Individual Protective Equipment required for the student:
Leather gloves, headlamp, extra batteries, knee pads, elbow (not required) canteen or similar individual and goggles.
Contact: Florencio uirapuru -
Accredited Training Centers
Training Center with extensive experience operating region located in the northeastern state of Paraiba in Brazil.
With an instructor and two munitores operating and maintaining its cadres in the course of search and rescue operations in areas of difficult access - ADA

Rope Rescue Operations
This 20-hour program exceeds the capabilities required in NFPA 1670 for an Operations level team.
This is a practical course specifically designed to address the needs rescue team of fire and which may be called upon to perform rope based rescues from above or below grade including the rescue of workers suspended on fall arrest as well as in support of operations at confined space, trench and structural collapse rescue incidents.
Location: new mexico